Addressing biodiversity loss

iBOL Europe

DNA barcoding for species identification and biomonitoring

  • A European framework

iBOL Europe is a European node of the International Barcode of Life consortium. A regional nexus for the DNA barcoding community.

Stay up to date!

  • Uncategorised

    Connection #3: What brings us together?

    The European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) and the European node of the International Barcode of Life (iBOL Europe), two international communities of scientists brought together under the Biodiversity Genomics Europe Project (BGE), are joining forces for “Connections,” a series of...

  • All

    Connection #2: Meet iBOL Europe and ERGA

    The European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) and the European node of the International Barcode of Life (iBOL Europe), two international communities of scientists brought together under the Biodiversity Genomics Europe Project (BGE), are joining forces for “Connections,” a series of...

  • Publications

    Delimiting Species – Prospects and Challenges for DNA Barcoding

    The acceptance of species delimitation and description based on barcode sequence clustering thresholds is growing, yet not without controversy. In a recent paper, Brent Emerson (Spanish National Research Council/CSIC)  focuses on the topic while addressing prospects and challenges for DNA...

  • What is DNA barcoding?

DNA barcoding uses short segments of DNA to identify species. A scalable solution to provide biomonitoring data to address biodiversity loss.

  • Our vision

To support the DNA barcoding communities of European nations, to conduct impactful DNA-based biomonitoring, to sustain and improve planetary biodiversity.

Paul Herbert

“European researchers have played a central role in the iBOL consortium since its launch in 2010. iBOL Europe will amplify these impacts by coordinating a scientific community with the capacity to reverse the loss of biodiversity. It’s a model for the rest of our world.”

Paul Hebert

Canada Research Chair in Molecular Biodiversity, University of Guelph
Scientific Director and Board Chair, iBOL

About us

Learn about the origin, activities, organisation and institutional membership of our community.

  • Who is doing what?

Explore the European DNA barcoding landscape from new initiatives through to established iBOL nodes.

  • Information portal

Find resources to support your DNA barcoding science and wider barcoding engagement activities.

Hands in the dirt
  • Does our vision resonate with you?

Reach out with comments, questions, and to contact the iBOL Europe community.

Be a part of iBOL Europe

Benefit from our bi-monthly meetings, resources and communications to help shape the future of DNA barcoding in Europe.