Coordinated networks

BGE, iBOL Europe and ERGA

Biodiversity Genomics at the European level

Biodiversity Genomics Europe

The Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) project aims to accelerate the use of genomic science to enhance understanding of biodiversity, monitor biodiversity change, and guide interventions to address its decline.

BGE activities focus on DNA Barcoding and Reference Genome Generation for eukaryotic species across Europe, connecting two European networks, iBOL Europe and the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA), that are part of the International Barcode of Life and Earth BioGenome Project consortia.

BGE DNA barcoding stream

This stream focuses on building national nodes, capacity and curating DNA barcode reference libraries to characterise and identify European biodiversity and developing DNA-based biomonitoring programmes to track biodiversity change. Our approach is driven by the importance of establishing well-curated barcode reference libraries as the foundation step.

  • Biodiversity

Resource and information

See here for more information about the BGE project:

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