On July 29th, we held the last edition of our bi-monthly community meetings. We heard from Simon Creer (Bangor University, United Kingdom) about the UK DNA Working Group; Will Goodall-Copestake (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, United Kingdom) about the Scottish DNA hub; Sten Anslan (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) about how to navigate various metabarcoding pipelines; and Joanne Littlefair (University College London, United Kingdom) an Introduction to airborne environmental DNA for biodiversity analysis.

Here we bring you highlights from the meeting and further interesting information:


Would you like to present your work or suggest a topic for the iBOL Europe bi-monthly community meetings? Let us know by email: info@iboleurope.org


We are looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting on September 30th.

Published On: July 31st, 2024 / Categories: Events / Tags: /