On March 25th, we held the last edition of our bi-monthly community meetings. We heard from the new iBOL executive secretary Adriana Radulovici about the plans for future iBOL developments, from Florian Leese about the new Biodiversa+ project DNAquaIMG, and about the six projects selected for BGE funding which will contribute to the development of the DNA-barcode reference libraries for species in Europe.

Here we bring you highlights from the meeting and further interesting information:

  • Biodiversity Genomics Europe project will fund six selected projects which will contribute to development of DNA-barcoding reference libraries for species in Europe. You can find the overview here.
  • Please contribute to the eDNAqua-plan questionnaire on DNA barcode reference libraries and eDNA repositories for European aquatic organisms: Deadline extended until March 31st. Find more information here.
  • Researchers of the Italian National Biodiversity Future Center plan to perform WGS sequencing of several Mediterranean elasmobranch species, with the main aim of recovering their complete mitogenome to subsequently inform analyses of seawater eDNA metabarcoding data. They would like to connect with colleagues involved in an ongoing and/or planned barcoding and metabarcoding effort on elasmobranch species. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are interested in collaboration.


Would you like to present your work or suggest a topic for the iBOL Europe bi-monthly community meetings? Let us know by email: info@iboleurope.org


We are looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting on May 27th.

Published On: March 27th, 2024 / Categories: Events / Tags: /