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- Events
PolBOL hosts Workshop on Biodiversity Genomics for the Polish National Parks
On 13 and 14 November 2024, a team from the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology at the University of Łodz (UniŁodz), in cooperation with the Tatra National Park (TNP), hosted the workshop: “Biodiversity Genomics: Prospects for National Parks in...
- Events
Highlights of November Community Meeting
On 25 November, we had the latest iBOL Europe Community Meeting, chaired by Torbjørn Ekrem (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). The meeting kicked off with Alexandros Triantafyllidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), who shared the experience of setting up...
- Events
iBOL Europe @ BG24
The V edition of the Biodiversity Genomics Conference (BG24) took place last week online. The programme featured many sessions showcasing Biodiversity Genomics around the globe, including “iBOL Europe: A Regional Nexus for the DNA Barcoding Community” on 28 October. Chaired...
- Blog
iBOL Europe and ERGA sign Memorandum of Understanding for Strategic Alignment
iBOL (International Barcode of Life) Europe and ERGA (European Reference Genome Atlas) are pleased to announce the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to officialise their strategic alignment and shared aspirations for the future. Both iBOL Europe and ERGA...
- Events
Hello, GrBOL! Celebrating the launch of the Greek iBOL Node
We are thrilled to share the launch of the Greek node of iBOL – GrBOL, which was publicly announced today, 7 October, at the University of Thessaloniki (GR). The launch of GrBOL is a major achievement reached by the Greek...
- Events
Highlights of the September Community Meeting
The September edition of the iBOL Europe Community Meetings took place on 30 September. Meeting Highlights This time, Kasia Fantoni (Naturalis), the new iBOL Europe Community Manager, informed about the launch of the iBOL Europe Working Groups: a new initiative...
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